Crit Night – 3rd round – Here we go



Hello and thank you for particularizing in crit night!


Crit night is a small event held here on’s art blog. Its a event where artist help artists by submitting both an image for critique and a critique for a randomly assigned artist. This allows for everyone to receive input from someone different. It also provide and opportunity for each artist to look at a style they may not be familiar with and offer some advice or opinions while learning themselves as well.


This time around we had a few less participants (5) due to the holiday’s but there is no lack of helpful tips from each of our artists.

If you are an artist or know and artist that may be interested please pass on the link with all the info


so lets get on with it shall we?



Crit Night Round 3

Crit Night

Welcome to round 3 of crit night!


This round we have 5 participants, 1 new!
A few less then the last few rounds but no worries. On with the show. Halloween has just passed by so we have some cool halloween themed pics time around ~

Lets get to it shall we?

Lady Serpent -> FabloTheGayMoth
Antumbra -> FF
FF -> Lady Serpent
Sammacha -> Antumbra
FabloTheGayMoth -> Sammacha


