Hi Everyone, As you may have noticed from my homepage I am currently working on rebuilding my website to make it easier to navigate. My goals are to get more content out at a faster pace.
I’ll be updating my contact form, commission info, and my galleries first and continue building from there. Hope to see you all back here soon! in the meantime, check out some of my Latest Artwork Samantha Lim
As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new, it’s a time for reflection and for looking forward. It’s time to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and set new goals for the year ahead.
This past year had its challenges, (many) but it has also brought us new opportunities and moments of joy. Let’s take a moment to be grateful for all the good things in our lives and to appreciate the people who have supported us.
As we enter the new year, let’s make a resolution to be the best versions of ourselves. Let’s make a commitment to be kind and compassionate, to work hard, and to never give up on our dreams.
This year, one of my largest tasks is that I am working towards decluttering my things. It’s a way to start the year fresh and create a more organized and peaceful living environment.
Decluttering can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple. Start by going through each room of your home and getting rid of anything that you no longer need or use. This can include clothes that no longer fit, old electronics, and clutter that has accumulated over the years.
Decluttering helps to create a more visually appealing and functional space, but it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. A cluttered space can be overwhelming while a decluttered space can promote a sense of calm and control.
If you’re looking for a resolution that will make a big impact on your life, consider decluttering a space. It may take some effort, but the end result will be worth it
If you have been following my artwork then you might know I am also focusing on more traditional pencil artwork.
There is a certain joy and satisfaction that comes with creating traditional pencil artwork. Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out, the process of creating a piece of art with pencils can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
One of the great things about pencil artwork is the versatility and range of styles that can be achieved. From detailed, realistic drawings to more loose and expressive pieces, pencils allow for a wide range of techniques and styles.
Another joy of creating traditional pencil artwork is the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a piece. The process of taking a blank piece of paper and turning it into a finished work of art can be very rewarding, and seeing the finished product can be a source of pride and satisfaction.
Additionally, creating traditional pencil artwork can be a great way to relax and unwind. The act of drawing can help to clear the mind and provide a sense of calm.
Overall, the joy of creating traditional pencil artwork lies in the process of creation. You will get a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. See my newest Artwork here
Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for all! Wishing you all the best in the year ahead.Good luck with your own resolutions!
I just wanted to say that I am very excited to re-visit the world of art, my world. It has been a few years since I have been working on anything at all and that’s been rough. It’s 2022 and now that I am returning to my creative passion I am looking to focus on a few different things.
While I am always looking to improve my art skills and develop my own style I also want to look more at what my art is about and give it more meaning. For me, the artwork is about creating a connection between reality and imagination. Taking a thought and mixing it with reality to create and display the story of emotion. I want my artwork to feel like the soft drizzle of rain on your skin during a warm summer’s day. Calming, soothing, and pleasantly releasing the smell of the beautiful flowers nearby. Or to bring the feeling of the wind hitting your face the first time you get on a rollercoaster. The tossing and turning of motion mixed with fear, joy, and excitement.
I’d also love to focus more on creating more written content about my artwork. I’ve never been a fan of writing or telling people what I think they should feel from my pictures, but, I’ve noticed more and more people asking me why I drew something, or what I’m trying to convey with my artwork. Even though I draw mostly characters, they all have emotions and feeling to them. hopefully, I’ll be able to get this message across through the image and also give you an idea of how I wanted you to connect with it.
The last thing I want to focus more on is creating a background. A lot of the time I do commission work, which I love. Many times these artworks are without backgrounds (ie: just a character) but I am hoping to improve my skill in drawing more scenes and adding a bit more pop to images without backgrounds by adding in simple ones (like basic colours, sketches, or shading).
So these are 3 things I would currently like to focus on moving forward. Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully you found some inspiration for yourself in my work.
Ok guys I will be at Vancoufur 2015. Hoping to get an artist Alley table were you can get a some quick commissions or some merchandise. Since this is a furry con most of the artwork will be themed as such, though commissions of all kinds will be available. Though if you arent interested in that type of crowd I doubt you would go lol.
(thats like hating anime and going to Anime north! just why?)
so you’ll find me there in a sparkling black and gold dress.
If this was already unlucky with the
Flooding that destroyed laminate flooring and ARTWORK! Omg!
And the frequent power outs for the first time in 10 years
But someone decided to break into our house the other day.
No, no nothing got stolen. I was home! It was not a good feeling at all.
At first I thought my brother had fallen in the shower and woke me up but no, 2 more loud bangs and I yelled for him and ran to the door. My dad got there first and the guy bolted from the house
My brother ran outside with a hammer chasing the man while hoping to get a look at him. He chased him for a few blocks and then lost him as he wasn’t going to run through bushes without shoes (it was also raining).
So the door…
Now dented, frame broken and fence knocked over needs repair. Great.
Not to mention time to fix it. So much for doing anything planned, so much for sleeping in or going to bed early.
Also… I don’t really know how or enjoy fixing these kinds of things, but no choice. We need a door. *sigh
Thankfully my dad is good with figuring this kind of thing out. My brother is ok with it and so am I, but nobody wants to…
I hope its not expensive to repair and shit… Stores aren’t open right now.
Dad is trying to get the door to semi close and my bro it trying to tell the police where the guy went / describe the guy.
I feel… Sad, frustrated, pissed off…
I mean… Why? Its supposed to be the start of a new year and then this. Man I just… I dont know.
What an asshole…
I almost never blog things but you know? Sometimes its nice to get it out. I mean, I would probably write this in a diary if I didn’t have this. It would the one and only entry lmao. I still have so many diaries from my childhood that are new. People thought I wanted one but I hated writing. I still dont really like it, I prefer to draw if you didnt know :p
Anyways this has nothing to do with the break in anymore. I should probably start looking up some kind of how to and check out prices for whatever we need to repair. * sigh, again sigh.
I hope they catch him . . .
I have had my artwork published as the cover of an erotic novel! Anyways I was pretty excited about it, just another step into the world of artwork.
It was a very interesting image to create and I got to use my comic book style of colouring which I rarely have the opportunity to do anymore (at least not much digitally). I also had the opportunity to do some erotic artwork which I also don’t do as much anymore (but would like to). Anyways, I am sure that some of you are wondering what the book/ Image is right?
Just so you know, it doesn’t not contain any nudity and all is explained in teh description with a link to the novel.
For obvious reason I am not going to post the image here but
Thing have been sort of stressful lately. I’ve been looking for a good job and not found one yet. I also need something for my moms birthday.
I have however been able to help out a really good friend. He needed some help finding a new place and moving. I’ve been helping him pack and move in my car which isn’t really fun, lol. I also sadly… damaged my car… A drawer opened and bashed mt rear window. So there is now a small dent in my rear window. The ceiling liner of my car is also damaged, grrrr…. It totally sucks considering it wasn’t damaged at all before the move. Now I have a dented ceiling liner and I just know my rear window defrost isn’t going to work when it starts getting colder 🙁
I’m so disappointed in myself for this. We were just really frustrated and rushing and boom car window broken. *sigh*
and now here’s where the stress peaks out >.>
So during the move my car got damaged, when we got the large truck and got to the new apartment… it was NOT ready. It had the carpet pulled out (new carpet supposed to be installed), the counters were removed (again supposed to be new), no blinds, fridge or stove. WTF?
So we have a rented truck full of stuff and we cannot unload it? Holy shit!
So we complain to the manager of the building duh, and she is like, I’m busy, I don’t care. Again WTF?
Now, while I would say, Don’t go here because the manager sucks! its one of the few affordable places in the wanted location that takes cats. Also, its move in day, its not like he can just go home sit down and come back tomorrow.
so we had to basically harass them for the carpet to put the stuff in the room. I was there until 5:30, still having not eaten all day. so finally, @#$%! I am going to Denny’s ( Thank God, a restaurant with awesome food is still open!). It was so much nicer to be able to have a nice meal. Awesome Chicken burger and my friend just loved the bacon burban burger (it was pretty good, but I hate mushrooms). I also order a spaghetti for the next day (thank god the microwave was in th front sea of my car because there is no stove or fridge here!
All day, all night, packing unpacking…
now, harassing them for stuff and for cleaning. Sadly the manager of the place really is a B@$%! BAsically, since the place has been rented, she doesn’t give a rats ass anymore. WOW, its all I can say. time to complain to the building owner and the tenants right’s Advisory (o how fun)
This has been super shitty, the whole month. Just, how does one building with over 150 suites have such a crap manager?
And geez, what a horrible exp. All I am doing is trying to help a very dear friend, and it just… seems like it blows up in my face. Not to mention his bad back is acting up again, no doubt from the stress of the move.
what a horrible exp I had today. Just in case you didn’t know, 3 shots really sucks to get at the same time.
In late Nov, I went to get an updated Tetanus Shot. The Dr. (forgot her name) convinced me instead, to get a Cervarix shot. The shot was the first of a series of three, so I would receive the tetanus shot on the follow up shot the next month and a half. The first was painful and my arm hurt for about a week. (Then again shots always seem to cause me horrible pain in whichever arm I get it. My body does not like medicine).
Anyways, I tried to get an appointment at several clinic to get my 2nd shot and my tetanus. No luck for at least 1.5-3 months away…
Well, I can’t wait that long considering you have to get the 2nd shot within 2 months. Ridiculous!
So I went to the walk-in. They don’t take appointments and its always busy, great. Went in, signed up on the waiting list… went for a walk for an hour. It started raining of course. When I got back to the clinic I still had to sit another 45 mins, thank god I had my Ipad (I knew it would be a while to wait). I feel like I should have just gone home for an hour and then come back.
Finally I got to see the Dr. This was a much better Dr. then the first time. By that I mean it actually seemed like he cared about his patients. So I told him what I was there for and blah blah blah, meanwhile he also grabbed a flu shot. I have never had a flu shot so he felt this year I should get one as it includes H1N1 vaccine.
So… Cervarix shot, it kinda hurt
flu shot, nothing at all
tetanus shot, wow did that ever hurt, either way I never said anything but wow, I think I remember this shot from 10 years ago! the same horrible feeling.
Sat for about 5 mins, stood for while I got some paper work to go get some blood testing across the street around the corner.
After about 5 mins I was able to walk out the door without a problem, but, a few steps out the door I started to feel severely ill.
I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up, I felt dizzy and had a headache. i took a few more steps and made it across the street and I felt like I had a fever. Then the scary part, my vision started to get really blurry. It was like your were looking through a windshield that had no wipers in heavy rain. It went from the outside of my vision like a circle going inwards, it was a horrible feeling. When my vision was all messed up my ears plugged up so I could barely hear anything.
At this point, I thought it would be best to turn around and walk to 25 feet back to the clinic. When I turned I felt so dizzy, like I was going to pass out. I had a hard time getting to the clinic, and crossing the street was extremely hard when all you can see are blurry drops of colour everywhere.
Finally I made it back to the counter and asked the lady if I could quickly ask the Dr a question. She told me to sit down and wait 5 minutes while she went to get him.
Sitting in the chair at this point was the hardest, and it was between two people which made it harder. So I finally get into the chair, and I sit. My hearing came back, then slowly my vision, and all I was left with was a horrible headache, a feeling like I have the flu and a very painful left arm. The Dr. comes and I tell him. it’s not a allergic reaction thankfully its just due to the fact that I had three shots all of which make people feel, not very good afterwards.
He even offered to buy me something from the store, juice or something to eat so I would feel better, I refused. the scary part is over. Was it ever a horrible 15 minutes!
Now onto the lab where I can get the blood test done. Thankfully I did not have to wait long and got a spot within 10 minutes. *sigh, but the lady I got, was learning. Of course! She sits me down and gets some vials out, 3 of them, boy that makes me feel good when I already feel like crap. She moves my arm around (painful) and then gets the needle ready, cleans the… uh elbowpit (?) and sticks the needle in…
and moves it around…
wiggles is…
and jams it in farther in an attempt to find the vein.
Meanwhile I am having a great time watching all this…
Finally she asks for help, the other lady takes it out, gets a new needle and finds the vein much quicker. Though now that area is already hurting quite a bit. Back tot he new person, she fills the 3 vials and does, whatever they do while I hold the cotton ball on the bleeding area. When she comes back I expect to go…
She missed one, she has to do it again.
So this time she goes for the back of the hand, you can see the vein here and you don’t need a lot this time. now this time the needle really hurt when she put it in (at least she found the vein). When she had filled it and went to remove the vial from the tube thing she let go of the needle. OUCH! She let it fall and kind of hang there in my hand. That really hurt. I don’t even think she noticed and the other Dr. or whatever was like, “don’t do that, please hold the needle.” A little late!
and then she comes back again with another bottle… a really big bottle…
but found was relieved when she said this is for a urine sample.
Now I’m outside, its cold, I feel sick, its raining harder, and the dizzy feeling comes back…
I don’t even think I can make the 15 min walk to my house. I ended up calling my dad who was home, thank you! So he came to pick me up, so glad i didn’t drive.
About 2 hours later my mom had come as we had arranged to have dinner. We went out, I was not feeling the best but I was at the normal sick feeling of having a shot. We ordered these koreon chicken wraps that we had before. They came a bit different the usual but ok, lets try it. They were very good, however, they now added peanuts to the dish…
My mom is allergic to peanuts… and had eaten one now knowing it was there…
She was ok, as a small amount of a peanut is ok for her, not good but ok. If there was any other nut such as almond or walnut then there would be a serious problem. Thankfully there was not and they waitress too the food back and had it re-made without peanuts. The manager came out and apologized, yes they had changed the dish… but we also didn’t bother with a menu we usually get mostly the same things.
So that was annoying ad my mom had to be careful the rest of the night to make sure nothing happened. so overall not a good day.
Now I go to a store to pic up a few picture frames for some of my artwork. Found one I really liked, went to buy and and … the cashier, well he broke it. Nice.
So my whole day consisted of…
Getting soaked in he rain
waiting for a very long time
getting 3 shots (Horrible as is)
Feeling horrible
losing my vision and hearing for a while
almost passing out in the street
being a guinea pig for a person poking with a needle
another needle
a forgotten needle
Feeling like I am going to fall over while standing still
getting a dinner where my mom almost had a bad reaction to some peanuts
having the item I wanted to buy (the only one there) broken
and typing this with one hand
Overall, I would say I have had a bad exp. Not fun at all…
And yes, I know I didn’t have to type this, but for some reason I felt that this was actually something I could share, beacause really… I don’t often share my stories, and what sane person gets 3 shots in a day then decides that day to go have a blood test done? I’ll tell you, a person that does not want to wait aka me.
With that in mind I have a few great “Guy stories” that some of my guy friends have convinced me to share. Basically its like… “What not to do when you see a girl” type of story. But these, at least in my opinion, are not you average stories.
I have no idea! At least not about whats new. I know that this year I am going to be finishing some fan art, actually I hope to finish a lot of it. I have a ton of WIPS that where just ideas I never finished set aside in my “Do it later” pile. That pile is huge….
Thankfully, I’ve already started on this by finishing my blue pansy butterfly and my cute walking renamon. I know, I know, the blue pansy is not fan art but it at least helps put a notch in my “do it later” pile.
The blue pansy butterfly. A Test using some different drawing paper. It was also good practice in that I have not used my pencil crayons in such a way for a really long time. I’m quite happy with this one.
Renamon. I just thought that this pose was cute, and I really love Renamon. She was such a cool character in Digimon.
I am quite happy with the way they both turned out. I think that this paper has worked out well with the rich and vibrant pencil crayons. Great practice for my blending. I will be sure to do this more often. This year I will probably be taking more of a break form Digital art though I am still going to be using it from time to time.
Acrylic painting “Jiggly Jelly”
Acrylic painting, “A Cold Winter Night”
Hmm Scenery would be another good thing to work on…
the list goes on and on, anyways.
this year you can expect to see more fan art and more traditional artwork being posted on my site.
Don’t forget you can check otu my gallery here or commission info here anytime., and you can get easy updates via
Inspiration, why is it so hard to find sometimes?
For a long time Ive felt as though I had none, or at least, very little of it. Like my imagination had just disappeared.
I don’t know how or why but its like my mind was just empty, a blank slate, and quite frankly… That sucks.
Recently however I feel as though it has come back, not on its own however. A very good friend found it and brought it back to me.
He told me that he loved my art because I really try and you can see the effort put into it.
He also told me that I should draw what I liked and whatever I wanted to.
Thats what really got me, I guess being so busy and not having time to draw a lot I got stuck. I stopped drawing things that I liked because I was trying to hard to think of something that other people would like. The reality is that people like my art because they already like what I like or they just plain like it!
So yeah, 2 simple sentences and I recovered something I had lost. He brought it back to me without even having to look for it, I am so grateful for that. Thank you!
It reminds me of another when a different friend once told me, “I don’t want to copy, I want to create my own”
But nothing lost nothing gained right? Now that person is having a hard time in their life. I just wish that there was something that I could do to help, but it seems like there isn’t anything. I would love to give him a painting and hope that I can give him even just a little bit of what he gave back to me.