I’ll be at Vancoufur!

Ok guys I will be at Vancoufur 2015. Hoping to get an artist Alley table were you can get a some quick commissions or some merchandise. Since this is a furry con most of the artwork will be themed as such, though commissions of all kinds will be available. Though if you arent interested in that type of crowd I doubt you would go lol. (thats like hating anime and going to Anime  north! just why?)   so you’ll find me there in a sparkling black and gold dress. come by and visit! Pics to be posted!    
  • Samantha Lim is an artist from Vancouver, BC CANADA. Mainly draws fun characters and other such musings in her spare time. Often she is found walking or biking through the streets or trails of BC with her family, or at the beach on a summer’s day.
    Samantha Offers a wide variety of her artwork for sale oroptions to bring your imagination to life through artwork via commissions.
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