Happy Canada Day to all you Canadians out there. It is time to celebrate everything that we have and love about being Canadian and/or living in Canada. While it is not perfect there are certainly lots of things we can be grateful for
this holiday I will be spending it with my family and maybe check out a few of the local markets!
The beautiful Roxanne fox bust portrait. Featuring a vibrantly coloured background to represent the fun and colours of summer!
I really enjoyed making this one after being away from art for such a long time. I really wanted to make a portrait that popped! I believe that I have accomplished this and I hope it gives off the fun and happy vibe I was hoping for. Beautiful for the summer or choose your pride colours!
This portrait is available as a YCH with your choice of colours in the background. They can also be SFW or NSFW To claim a slot please fill out the form below, once I get your information I can give you a quote and confirm the price Payment via PayPal or Etransfer
Anthropomorphic characters are fictional creatures or animals. These characters often retain their animal or creature-like appearance, but they stand upright, walk on two legs, and have hands and feet similar to humans. They also wear clothes, use tools, and display human-like behaviors, such as expressing love, anger, and humor. They blur the line between human and animal, creating a unique and imaginative world where anything is possible. They inspire creativity, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.
New & Featured Art
Easter Pin Up
Penny kneels down to have a look at a bright and curious Chick freshly hatched
This little Tazi Devil is calling
So cute! :3
Deal the out! Let’s play~!
The late Show has begun
My Beautiful character Roxanne Fox (Foxy Roxy)
A Romantic evening
All at Random~!
Happy Valentines
clothing Ref
Stretching in the summer sun
Wild Card Commission
A sensual Night with Roxanne
Celebrating 1 Year of Roxanne Fox
Whatchu dooooin’ ?
Con Badge
Burlesque Dancer
Con Badge
Rayne is waiting
Antique film Icon
Traditional con Badge
Deal the out! Let’s play~!
My Beautiful character Roxanne Fox (Foxy Roxy)
A little embarrassed
My Foxy Lady
Raffle Prize
A cool summer breeze
The Dr is busy so I am going to assist you
Happy valentines Day
Summer Beach Pin Up
Nude but clean version of Roxanne enjoying her day at the beach
Gift opening :3
Con Badge
The Scarf Stealer is on the loose!
The tiger becomes a dragon~
Nude version of Roxanne on the beach, enjoying the waves, the sun and the sand
The late Show has begun
Boo! Happy Halloween
Back to school boys
Clothing Ref
So cute! :3
Hot day at the beach
Easter Pin Up
Sake Ninja Chibi
A Romantic evening
Happy Canada Day from Roxanne Fox!
Penny kneels down to have a look at a bright and curious Chick freshly hatched
I really think that I have learnt quite a bit this time around. Thank you so much to my participants for making this possible.
Please click on the image to read the critique written by our lovely artists.
By Sammacha
Recently I have decided to once again work with digital “painting” while continuing to use my line work. I really feel that I have come a long way with digital art (and art in general) in the past year. I have been focusing more on anatomy and light sources. Of course any suggestions are helpful but my main focus at the moment are those two things.
By FF-Boy
“This is my best work I have done so far. This time, I wanted to practice background and painting technique.
For the critique, I would love to hear anything that you think they need to be improved, such as anatomy, composition, perspective, color scheme, painting techniques, etc. Thank you in advance! ^^”
Celeste Fin by Antumbra
“Tried a new shading technique with ambient occlusion while mixing colors in the lights and shadows. Not sure I like where it is at right now, but I definitely want to keep improving!
Any critique you are looking for in particular? Definitely the shading and the coloring.”
Pic #1. Roxanne by SammachaArtist's Statement: Recently I have decided to once again work with digital "painting" while continuing to use my line work. I really feel that I have come a long way with digital art (and art in general) in the past year. I have been focusing more on anatomy and light sources. Of course any suggestions are helpful but my main focus at the moment are those two things.
Pic #2 Celeste by Antumbra
Artist Statement: Tried a new shading technique with ambient occlusion while mixing colors in the lights and shadows. Not sure I like where it is at right now, but I definitely want to keep improving!
Any critique you are looking for in particular? Definitely the shading and the coloring.
Pic #3: Walk with me by FF-Boy
Artist Statement: "This is my best work I have done so far. This time, I wanted to practice background and painting technique.
For the critique, I would love to hear anything that you think they need to be improved, such as anatomy, composition, perspective, color scheme, painting techniques, etc. Thank you in advance! ^^"
Ok guys I will be at Vancoufur 2015. Hoping to get an artist Alley table were you can get a some quick commissions or some merchandise. Since this is a furry con most of the artwork will be themed as such, though commissions of all kinds will be available. Though if you arent interested in that type of crowd I doubt you would go lol.
(thats like hating anime and going to Anime north! just why?)
so you’ll find me there in a sparkling black and gold dress.
Hello and thank you for particularizing in crit night!
Crit night is a small event held here on www.sammacha.com’s art blog. Its a event where artist help artists by submitting both an image for critique and a critique for a randomly assigned artist. This allows for everyone to receive input from someone different. It also provide and opportunity for each artist to look at a style they may not be familiar with and offer some advice or opinions while learning themselves as well.
This time around we had a few less participants (5) due to the holiday’s but there is no lack of helpful tips from each of our artists.
If you are an artist or know and artist that may be interested please pass on the link with all the info
I’ve done some clothing design for (Fem) Leinad Obtrebla’s wardrobe/clothing for different settings:
Modern Day
This characters wardrobe was quite fun to draw and design clothing for. It was something a little bit different. Overall i am quite happy with the designs that he has chosen (we went through quite a few in the beginning for the tribal warrior). The steampunk, I am happy to say is re-used from the earlier design I created for the image “The Hallway”. the more modern one is not to my taste but I do like the look of it. She is much more tribal in colours and attire then her male counter part.
I have had my artwork published as the cover of an erotic novel! Anyways I was pretty excited about it, just another step into the world of artwork.
It was a very interesting image to create and I got to use my comic book style of colouring which I rarely have the opportunity to do anymore (at least not much digitally). I also had the opportunity to do some erotic artwork which I also don’t do as much anymore (but would like to). Anyways, I am sure that some of you are wondering what the book/ Image is right?
Just so you know, it doesn’t not contain any nudity and all is explained in teh description with a link to the novel.
For obvious reason I am not going to post the image here but