I really think that I have learnt quite a bit this time around. Thank you so much to my participants for making this possible.
Please click on the image to read the critique written by our lovely artists.
By Sammacha
Recently I have decided to once again work with digital “painting” while continuing to use my line work. I really feel that I have come a long way with digital art (and art in general) in the past year. I have been focusing more on anatomy and light sources. Of course any suggestions are helpful but my main focus at the moment are those two things.
By FF-Boy
“This is my best work I have done so far. This time, I wanted to practice background and painting technique.
For the critique, I would love to hear anything that you think they need to be improved, such as anatomy, composition, perspective, color scheme, painting techniques, etc. Thank you in advance! ^^”
Celeste Fin by Antumbra
“Tried a new shading technique with ambient occlusion while mixing colors in the lights and shadows. Not sure I like where it is at right now, but I definitely want to keep improving!
Any critique you are looking for in particular? Definitely the shading and the coloring.”
Thing have been sort of stressful lately. I’ve been looking for a good job and not found one yet. I also need something for my moms birthday.
I have however been able to help out a really good friend. He needed some help finding a new place and moving. I’ve been helping him pack and move in my car which isn’t really fun, lol. I also sadly… damaged my car… A drawer opened and bashed mt rear window. So there is now a small dent in my rear window. The ceiling liner of my car is also damaged, grrrr…. It totally sucks considering it wasn’t damaged at all before the move. Now I have a dented ceiling liner and I just know my rear window defrost isn’t going to work when it starts getting colder 🙁
I’m so disappointed in myself for this. We were just really frustrated and rushing and boom car window broken. *sigh*
and now here’s where the stress peaks out >.>
So during the move my car got damaged, when we got the large truck and got to the new apartment… it was NOT ready. It had the carpet pulled out (new carpet supposed to be installed), the counters were removed (again supposed to be new), no blinds, fridge or stove. WTF?
So we have a rented truck full of stuff and we cannot unload it? Holy shit!
So we complain to the manager of the building duh, and she is like, I’m busy, I don’t care. Again WTF?
Now, while I would say, Don’t go here because the manager sucks! its one of the few affordable places in the wanted location that takes cats. Also, its move in day, its not like he can just go home sit down and come back tomorrow.
so we had to basically harass them for the carpet to put the stuff in the room. I was there until 5:30, still having not eaten all day. so finally, @#$%! I am going to Denny’s ( Thank God, a restaurant with awesome food is still open!). It was so much nicer to be able to have a nice meal. Awesome Chicken burger and my friend just loved the bacon burban burger (it was pretty good, but I hate mushrooms). I also order a spaghetti for the next day (thank god the microwave was in th front sea of my car because there is no stove or fridge here!
All day, all night, packing unpacking…
now, harassing them for stuff and for cleaning. Sadly the manager of the place really is a B@$%! BAsically, since the place has been rented, she doesn’t give a rats ass anymore. WOW, its all I can say. time to complain to the building owner and the tenants right’s Advisory (o how fun)
This has been super shitty, the whole month. Just, how does one building with over 150 suites have such a crap manager?
And geez, what a horrible exp. All I am doing is trying to help a very dear friend, and it just… seems like it blows up in my face. Not to mention his bad back is acting up again, no doubt from the stress of the move.
This one was a lot of fun.
It’s a portrait of my friend. Then I stuck him in this world based off a description of his name we found on urban dictionary on day at lunch.
I think Matt would make an interesting movie dont you?
The description: A mythical Irishman who was said to have destroyed Superman’s home when he first synthesized Krypton in chemistry. Standing about five feet tall, Matt Gill can fly, shoot lazer beans from his eyes, drink any amount of beer, and turn any frisbee he touches into straight, heat-seeking, side-winding, and lazer-guided missles until they reach their intended targets.
Matt Gill commonly insists that he hasn’t drank, as less than 99 beers off the wall doesn’t even count in his book.
Matt Gill is an Omnihero, and as such can outrun any superhero. He eats gold and pisses rainbows, allowing him to follow the Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet River to more gold, in a vicious cycle. Leprechauns worship him as their savior and upholder of Irish traditions.
When Matt Gill threw a frisbee the length of half a football field against the wind, and abruptly appeared to catch it with his left hand while not looking for a touchdown.
Thank you Urban dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Matt%20Gill . you are always so fun to look at!
Throw in some gold, a leprechaun, and a rainbow with Matt and Bam it all comes together!
But that Damn hat, did it ever cause me problems lol.
Matt got this as a Christmas gift, but committed a Christmas violation and opened it before Dec even started. Thankfully he didn’t eat all the chocolate form his Advent calendar. Lol, poor Matt, I get to make fun of him in his special blog >:)
But I think its ok, He is also my favorite Ginger, even if he’s the only one I know 😛
I really like the Hawk Eagle, I find them very interesting, I just think they are so unique.
I really want to draw/practice drawing animals again, I used to do it a lot but then I strayed from it for several years.
To finish off 2012, as my last post of the year here is my Hawk Eagle.
A traditional sketch, it took me about 3.5 – 4 hours to complete using this picture as a reference:
In the end this was given to someone as a gift. Actually to the person who inspired me to draw it. So for now it remains on his bedroom wall 🙂
To add to this, someone had asked for a quick tutorial on how I do my shading.
I though this would be a great picture to use for it
This is drawn for an art trade I am doing with her, but I saw that its her birthday today!!
Since last time I took forever to finish my pic I thought, hey, maybe it will be a nice surprise if I can get this done and post it on her birthday xD
I sat at my computer All day LOL!!!!
I tried out a style that I have not used for a long time. I thought that is would fit the picture I was trying to create
The lighting for this was so hard D:
I think its at least decent though!!
Reiz is a dark and mysterious character
I hope that you can see this in my pic ^^
He uses the art of magic and is very good indeed (especially with fire, as you can see since his hair is not burning lol )
Thats all I am going to say about this character, please go and Visit ‘s gallery (its great) if you want to know more about him
and thank you or doing another art trade with me
We end the decade with one and begin the new with another!
I trade for this fantastic piece, she drew David for me 🙂
Inspiration, why is it so hard to find sometimes?
For a long time Ive felt as though I had none, or at least, very little of it. Like my imagination had just disappeared.
I don’t know how or why but its like my mind was just empty, a blank slate, and quite frankly… That sucks.
Recently however I feel as though it has come back, not on its own however. A very good friend found it and brought it back to me.
He told me that he loved my art because I really try and you can see the effort put into it.
He also told me that I should draw what I liked and whatever I wanted to.
Thats what really got me, I guess being so busy and not having time to draw a lot I got stuck. I stopped drawing things that I liked because I was trying to hard to think of something that other people would like. The reality is that people like my art because they already like what I like or they just plain like it!
So yeah, 2 simple sentences and I recovered something I had lost. He brought it back to me without even having to look for it, I am so grateful for that. Thank you!
It reminds me of another when a different friend once told me, “I don’t want to copy, I want to create my own”
But nothing lost nothing gained right? Now that person is having a hard time in their life. I just wish that there was something that I could do to help, but it seems like there isn’t anything. I would love to give him a painting and hope that I can give him even just a little bit of what he gave back to me.
This year has been so busy with work! I haven’t had anytime to really do much and I feel like the summer is disappearing . Soon it will be over and I will have done nothing to enjoy it.
*sigh, gotta make money somehow
If only all this work was in the winter time. I hate always having to work longer hours in the summer. In the winter I get time off or short days or something. Something called time when there isn’t much to do.
no wonder I haven’t posted any new artwork huh? Hopefully I will have a chance to do some, I kind of miss it 🙁
I also miss spending time with my friends outside of work.
Though I am thankful for the people I work with, because they pretty are my friends 😀