Anthropomorphic characters are fictional creatures or animals. These characters often retain their animal or creature-like appearance, but they stand upright, walk on two legs, and have hands and feet similar to humans. They also wear clothes, use tools, and display human-like behaviors, such as expressing love, anger, and humor. They blur the line between human and animal, creating a unique and imaginative world where anything is possible. They inspire creativity, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.
Ok guys I will be at Vancoufur 2015. Hoping to get an artist Alley table were you can get a some quick commissions or some merchandise. Since this is a furry con most of the artwork will be themed as such, though commissions of all kinds will be available. Though if you arent interested in that type of crowd I doubt you would go lol.
(thats like hating anime and going to Anime north! just why?)
so you’ll find me there in a sparkling black and gold dress.
I’ve done some clothing design for (Fem) Leinad Obtrebla’s wardrobe/clothing for different settings:
Modern Day
This characters wardrobe was quite fun to draw and design clothing for. It was something a little bit different. Overall i am quite happy with the designs that he has chosen (we went through quite a few in the beginning for the tribal warrior). The steampunk, I am happy to say is re-used from the earlier design I created for the image “The Hallway”. the more modern one is not to my taste but I do like the look of it. She is much more tribal in colours and attire then her male counter part.
I have had my artwork published as the cover of an erotic novel! Anyways I was pretty excited about it, just another step into the world of artwork.
It was a very interesting image to create and I got to use my comic book style of colouring which I rarely have the opportunity to do anymore (at least not much digitally). I also had the opportunity to do some erotic artwork which I also don’t do as much anymore (but would like to). Anyways, I am sure that some of you are wondering what the book/ Image is right?
Just so you know, it doesn’t not contain any nudity and all is explained in teh description with a link to the novel.
For obvious reason I am not going to post the image here but