Thank You!

Some people have been there for years and others for only moments, but all have contributed in their own way. This is my shout out to all those people 🙂

The following people have allowed me to place their name (or a username) on my Thank you page.


Stan -Points me in the right direction with great ideas. He is always supportive and encouraging.
Simon -Thanks for all the honest comments and critiques.
Julie -Caring, encouraging and supportive with  creativity of her own.  Always willing to lend a hand.
Doris and Harvey – All the love and support that you gave me growing up. Even if you are far you will always be in my heart.
Hibberd – ’cause you decided I was awesome! (even though are too) and you can be  very inspiring. 🙂
Miniryu K -Thanks for all the help and advice. I learned a lot from you. a really one of a kind friend!
Vivian – You’re always hungry but you can always put a smiel on my face!
Leanna -Always willing to lend helping hand. Free Spirit media
Bahman – You loved my art before I did and always made me feel better about it.
FuryBlaze – *throws Muffin* I dont think there is anyone online that I’ve been friends with longer!!
Pilot -You always have the kindest words for me….
FF-Boy – A great artist and friend. I an always trust you to be honest with me ^^ .Check her work out too! Her Character designs are stunning: {Link}
KipiKipo – A great friend whos kindness is always appreciated, I often draw his character so be sure to visit him {Link}
ManlyGuy – Thanks for your friendship and encouragement! Always up for a good chat in the middle of the night. Check him out {Link} {Link}
Mayra S. – Another great friend and artist!! check out her very original work here {Link} contact her
Petal-Rain – For being a great friend and knowing how to give and receive critique. You are truly an artist with the potential to go far {link}
Stephanie – Thanks so much for your support, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you
Bloody – For your muse is GREAT! {Link}
p0metheus – For always understanding, you have never let me down, ( and I doubt you ever will)
WtfAmIdoing? – Lol, WtfRUdoing? ’cause I have no idea… but you are a 100% awesome friend
Noso – Because you are you and you’re always there for me, and I know you are more smarts THAN I dot dot dot
PaulBearer – Always good for a laugh and a song,thanks for being there
Sargolicious – Forever keeps me on my toes, forever will I stalk the stalker, and one day, the GeEvil shall be defeated. BTW Sargon, I do indeed hate you >.> <.< >.>
Barato Fuff– For your friendship and endless encouragement
Iver – For being a great supportive friend. Thanks my fav non 24/7 playah
Julian de Leon -Another great artiste who offered a lot of critique, and advice, See his stuff here :{Link}


Get your name here!



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