Some people have been there for years and others for only moments, but all have contributed in their own way. This is my shout out to all those people 🙂
The following people have allowed me to place their name (or a username) on my Thank you page.
Stan -Points me in the right direction with great ideas. He is always supportive and encouraging.
Simon -Thanks for all the honest comments and critiques.
Julie -Caring, encouraging and supportive with creativity of her own. Always willing to lend a hand.
Doris and Harvey – All the love and support that you gave me growing up. Even if you are far you will always be in my heart.
Hibberd – ’cause you decided I was awesome! (even though are too) and you can be very inspiring. 🙂
Miniryu K -Thanks for all the help and advice. I learned a lot from you. a really one of a kind friend!
Vivian – You’re always hungry but you can always put a smiel on my face!
Leanna -Always willing to lend helping hand. Free Spirit media
Bahman – You loved my art before I did and always made me feel better about it.
FuryBlaze – *throws Muffin* I dont think there is anyone online that I’ve been friends with longer!!
Pilot -You always have the kindest words for me….
FF-Boy – A great artist and friend. I an always trust you to be honest with me ^^ .Check her work out too! Her Character designs are stunning: {Link}
KipiKipo – A great friend whos kindness is always appreciated, I often draw his character so be sure to visit him {Link}
ManlyGuy – Thanks for your friendship and encouragement! Always up for a good chat in the middle of the night. Check him out {Link} {Link}
Mayra S. – Another great friend and artist!! check out her very original work here {Link} contact her
Petal-Rain – For being a great friend and knowing how to give and receive critique. You are truly an artist with the potential to go far {link}
Stephanie – Thanks so much for your support, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you
Bloody – For your muse is GREAT! {Link}
p0metheus – For always understanding, you have never let me down, ( and I doubt you ever will)
WtfAmIdoing? – Lol, WtfRUdoing? ’cause I have no idea… but you are a 100% awesome friend
Noso – Because you are you and you’re always there for me, and I know you are more smarts THAN I dot dot dot
PaulBearer – Always good for a laugh and a song,thanks for being there
Sargolicious – Forever keeps me on my toes, forever will I stalk the stalker, and one day, the GeEvil shall be defeated. BTW Sargon, I do indeed hate you >.> <.< >.>
Barato Fuff– For your friendship and endless encouragement
Iver – For being a great supportive friend. Thanks my fav non 24/7 playah
Julian de Leon -Another great artiste who offered a lot of critique, and advice, See his stuff here :{Link}
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