Meet the artist

Samantha Lim- a self taught artist from Vancouver BC

face portrait of samantha Lim with giant plush rosesIf you’ve ever strolled through the bustling streets of Vancouver, BC, you may have stumbled upon the stunning artwork of Samantha Lim. As a self-taught artist, Samantha has made a name for herself in the local community, with her pieces being displayed in prominent public locations such as the Law Court building and the West End Community center. But Samantha’s talent extends far beyond the borders of her hometown – her unique and captivating art has garnered attention from admirers all over the world through various internet websites.

Samantha Lim AKA “Sammacha” is a self-taught artist with a passion for creativity and continuous learning. From a young age, she devoted her spare time to improving her drawing skills and has since become proficient in a range of mediums and techniques.

In 2007, Samantha joined the online art world in search of feedback and inspiration from other artists. It was here that she discovered digital art and began using a small Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop to create her own unique pieces.

With a natural talent and a love for experimentation, Samantha has been able to create a wide range of digital artworks, from portraits to landscapes, and everything in between. Whether she’s working with bright colors or subtle shades, Samantha’s art is always striking and full of life

Despite her numerous accomplishments, Samantha Lim is always striving to improve and perfect her artwork. She believes that the journey towards artistic excellence is a never-ending one, and her passion for growth is reflected in the words of her own personal quote:

Always Drawing…
Good, but never great…
Finished, yet never complete…
Corrected, yet never flawless…
Striving for perfection is a long hard road
And when you get there…
you still have yourself, to compete with….
~Samantha Lim AKA Sammacha“As a self-taught artist, my preferred medium is the pencil. I particularly enjoy drawing fantasy creatures and animals, as they allow me to explore my creativity without limitations. However digital artwork is a lovely way to create and experiment with different techniques.”

The Mighty Griffin

Samantha Lim sitting on kayakWhen she’s not busy bringing her artistic visions to life, Samantha Lim is an avid lover of card and board games, outdoor activities, and sports like archery, badminton, and biking. On a sunny day, you might catch her at the beach, taking in the beautiful ocean views, or cycling through the scenic tri-cities area. But no matter what she’s doing, Samantha is always on the go and living life to the fullest. With her son and loving partner by her side, she knows that every day is an opportunity to create new memories and make the most of every moment.
